Sunday, June 12, 2011

Down with the Sickness

For the past few days, I've been fighting to not utter the phrase "I'm sick". However, this morning, I could deny it no longer. My throat is scratchy, I'm congested, my head throbs and my allergies, albeit mild, are not helping.

I have felt like this &, yet, today was the first day I took some medicine for my headache. I don't usually take medicine because I figure my body's attacking the virus\bacteria on it's own & I prefer to just let it take its course. I do feel I should mention that I do check with a doctor first to be sure it's not something that truly requires medication.

Being sick always brings about the question, "am I okay to work out?". It's an important question to ask yourself because there ARE times that you really just need to eat some soup, lay down and rest. Of course, many people use the sniffles as an excuse &, when you have certain goals, that's just not really an ideal thing to do.

So how DO you tell if it's time to hang the towel, if at least for a day, or if you're okay enough for exercise?

The answer to that question should only come from two people: YOU &/or your doctor.

To help YOU make a better informed decision, I've compiled a small list of things to consider:

1. If you have fever or are throwing up, I'll tell you right now that you just need to give it up (until you feel better); you should not be exercising right now. Your core body temperature does not need to be higher if you have a fever and, if you're throwing up, a lot of movement is not going to be beneficial in any way. Not to mention, you could be contagious so if you go to a gym, it's just not nice gym etiquette to be spreading your germs. Sorry! & see your doctor for goodness' sake!

2. If you've got the cold or the flu, you could be feeling stuffed up, congested (as I am at this time), have a runny nose &/or have an itchy throat. Normally, these are not good enough reasons to not workout but, again, use your best judgment. If your cough or your congestion interfere with your ability to breathe properly, consider taking a break until it clears up a bit more. Normally, however, exercise helps in loosening up blockage and, if you have a headache, getting your blood pumping will open up the blood vessels that are causing the headache.

3. Muscle aches is also something to consider before deciding if you're going to exercise or not. Presently, I feel a dull ache on my shoulders which is accompanied by the stuffy head feeling. Not fun, but it's not too bad. If you have severe muscle aches, however, I would recommend you get yourself a good rest before continuing your exercise routine. My aches are not bad, like I said, but even I'm laying off the weight training for today & focusing on aerobics.

If you've read all this, have decided (hopefully, along with your doctor) that you're okay to workout but you just aren't feeling up to it, remember those endorphins & how working out can help in getting you into that feel-good mood for the rest of the day!

Exercise is FOR your health so don't think that working out or going for a run is ALWAYS the healthy thing to do. Sometimes, you have to listen to your body (AND YOUR DOCTOR) because it's what your body needs. As for me, I'm not feeling my hottest but it's not something a good workout can't help.


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